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Alden Tan


creating movie scripts, fiction and inspiring blog posts to blow Yo guys,<br><br>I wish I could skip a long, drawn-out intro about myself and how I ended up here on Patreon, but to do so would mean skipping out on the essence of it all. <br><br>I don't want to make this into a sales page where I try to persuade you into supporting me.<br><br>I am here to write honestly and authentically. And this is my story.<br><strong><br><img src=""><br><br></strong>My name is Alden Tan and as I am writing this, I am a 31-year-old dude from Singapore.<br><br>I am writer, and I love it.<br><br><strong>The past six years have been a grueling, yet extremely enlightening journey as a writer and entrepreneur. <br></strong><br>You see, I started out as a blogger. My blog is <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. I started out writing about... ugh, self-help, a term I've grown to hate.<br><br>I began with all the lofty dreams of working from home, being my own boss, making money online, all the while writing at home wearing only my underwear.<br><br>The journey has taken a toll on me mentally, emotionally and financially.<br><br>I kept chasing the money by learning internet marketing i.e. the sales process. I ignored my art, my writing.<br><br>I learnt about "niches" and ended up writing about stupid shit I didn't care about.<br><br>I made money by doing things that made me deeply uncomfortable, like promoting affiliate products I knew were crap.<br><br>I got scammed before by so-called coaches and mentors.<br><br><strong>But what got me down the most is the hypocrisy in the self-help world. Oh my god. I can go on and on about this! I don't want to turn this into a rant, but basically:</strong><br><br>There's just too much bullshit out there. <br><br>The life coaches, gurus and so-called experts who are always loving life to the fullest and trying to force feed you nonsense.<br><br>The inspirational quotes on Instagram.<br><br>The pretentious humblebragging on Facebook!<br><br><strong>It's all a god damn facade.<br><br><strong>It's one huge circle jerk of hypocrisy where these guys validate themselves with money ONLY. (Why do you think most of them only make money by teaching others how to make money or how to create a business?)</strong><br></strong><br>Perhaps they've helped you. Perhaps you like such form help. Good on you. That is your right and I will never take it away from you.<br><br>But from my experience, I think that help should come with a more honest approach.<strong> I also certainly think that help shouldn't come with a ridiculously high price tag.<br><br>I personally got scammed before by so-called gurus. I lost a lot of time and money. I also constantly felt psychologically manipulated by people out there who tried to force me what to do, people who were condescending and unfortunately in hindsight, people who were lying to me for their own gain.<br><br></strong>All of this, really, really got me down.<br><br>You may think I am just too sensitive, or that I take things too personally when it's just business, but hell nah! I am an artist man! I can't work like that! Heck, I am a Bboy (breakdancer) too! Check it out:<br><br><img src=""><br><br>In short, there're many values within me I find that I can't compromise, but I absolutely don't intend to be a starving artist anymore. <br><br><strong>Also, I am not going to put up with bullshit anymore. And I really don't want you and others out there people to get cheated. I will explain in more detail below.</strong><br><br>I eventually stopped doing everything I learnt. I intentionally did it even though I knew it'd cause my income to drop.<br><strong><br>As such, I am here on Patreon. </strong><br><br>All the struggle has taken me back to my core as a writer, where I love to simply create stories, weave tales and use the written word to inspire and help others.<br><br><strong>I just want to write.<br><br><u>My current situation<br></u><br>I'll be really honest and upfront here:<br><br></strong>Blogging has worked for me before, but as said, I've grown to dislike the state of marketing and what is considered "help" today.<br><br><strong>I am trying to create a more honest and authentic approach to creating a consistent income here on Patreon.<br></strong><br><strong>I believe it can be done with hard work, diligence and yep, honesty. I don't think making money should be all about manipulating you with sales tactics just so you THINK you should be paying me.<br><br></strong>It was a hard decision to make. I had been struggling with this for a long while, but I finally pushed the button. I really want to be one-hundred percent in what I do, every step of the way. I'll write and make an income from it the most legitimate and honest way possible.<br><br>This is an experiment. This is a venture. This is a message to people out there that it can be done and that I can help people along the way too.<br><strong><br><u>What I'll use the money for<br></u><br></strong>My first biggest goal is to hit $1,000/month by the end of 2017. That money will help cover:<br><ul><li><strong>Hosting. </strong>This is so I can keep the blog alive.</li><li><strong>Aweber. </strong>This is the email service I am using. It gets pricier as my subscribers grow.</li><li><strong>Ongoing web development.</strong> Well it's a blog, so every time something screws up or I need to make a change in programming or design, I need to get my programmer whom I outsource. I can't program or design for shit, so I need someone to do it for me.</li><li><strong>Facebook Post Boosts. </strong>I have a Facebook page with a few thousand likes, but in order to reach out to a bigger audience, I need to boost the posts. Right now, if I don't boost, it doesn't even reach 1/3 of them.</li><li><strong>Me. </strong>Well, I need money to survive. I also need to eat and drink food and water. I need to socialize before I turn into a vampiric hermit at home and go absolutely bonkers.</li><li><strong>Giving to my mom and family. </strong>I try to give my mom as much as I can now. She has been extremely supportive of what I do. I'd love to simply pay her back so she can be happy.</li><li><strong>Making this world a better place with less bullshit. </strong>Read below.</li></ul><br>These are the basic needs. To cover them now effectively would be a huge milestone to me. <br><br><strong>But here, I want you to take a look at the long-term goals I want to accomplish.</strong><br><br><u style="font-weight: bold;">Stretch Goals</u><br><u style="font-weight: bold;"></u><br><strong>Blogging for a better, non-bullshitty world</strong><br><strong><br></strong>If you've read this far, then you probably have an inkling of what I am about and what I am trying to do.<br><br>Yep. I am writing honest and real articles to help others. Why?<br><strong></strong><br><strong style="font-weight: bold;"><img src=""><br></strong><br>That's my dad. He died of ALS when I was 20. I know what it's like to lose someone you grew up with. It's kind of a surreal feeling, that is, after it hurts like hell.<br><br>With that, I intend to help others with my stories. I am not trying to wax lyrical or gain sympathy points here. I really do enjoy helping others with my writing and I feel I have the ability to do so.<br><br>But no, I do not want to use tactics or focus on the process of marketing to get your attention. The people I know who do that don't even write their own articles. That's so wrong if you ask me. <br><br>I am a writer. You will find no bullshit from me. By pledging to me, you're giving me the confidence and motivation to want to write more (because money is still that important on its basic level. Sorry, but I am being honest here. Writing for free can be very tiring.)<br><br><strong>As I've written thus far, this is something I wholeheartedly believe in. </strong>I do not want to skim on the truth and my own authenticity anymore just so I could you know, write in a 'safe' way that would portray myself as some positive figure who can help you (with an expensive product.)<br><br>If you think that I am just being cynical or sore about other successful people out there, I assure you, I am not. As said, being an artist is something I take pride in and I don't wish to compromise my values. The people I know who do that do things like:<br><br><ul><li>Claim they love to write, but actually outsource a ghostwriter. Then they take all the credit for their own.</li><li>They also pay peanuts to these ghostwriters. I was offered $10 once to write to write a thousand-word long article. That was utterly ridiculous.</li><li>Stretch marketing tactics to the lowest common denominator just to appear like they're doing something ethical. I was told once, "As long as your product helps one person, it doesn't matter if it makes another 10 people upset. You helped one person and made the world a better place." I am not kidding here.</li><li>Put up a facade of being a very positive and helpful when they really don't care about you. I know some of them personally and they divulged to me all their "secrets."</li></ul><br>Again, I am here to create an honest income on Patreon through hard work and consistency. I hope to do that here. <br><br><strong>Current project for the blog:</strong> I am getting Bboys from all around the world to film themselves dancing for me. This project is tentatively called, "Throwdown Against ALS" a testament to the harmful effects ALS has on the body, every dancer's worse nightmare.<br><br>This is a long-term project I am embarking on. It'd honestly happen a lot faster if I have enough money to travel the world and film them myself. Emailing and texting around asking them to film for me is a lot slower. Bboys can be so lazy -_-<br><br><strong>Screenwriting/writing for movies/script writing<br></strong><strong></strong><br><strong></strong>I am an aspiring screenwriter today.<br><br>I love movies man! Learning how to write screenplays has allowed me to appreciate them even more. So far, I've written a few scripts on my own this year.<br><br>There're a lot of costs involved, such as courses, books, script consulting and pitching to studio heads. I am also sourcing for a mentor online now.<br><br>So help get me to Hollywood! Jake Gyllenhaal! I am coming for ya!<br><br>Writing a feature script takes quite a bit of time, but I have tons of ideas I am willing to write out and share. <br><strong><br>Fiction and traditional publishing</strong><br><br>I love writing fiction. I am looking to get my book traditionally published.<br><br>While sourcing for a literary agent or editor from a publishing house is free, it is extremely time-consuming as they're many of them out there. Finding the right one who believes in you and your work is going to be hard. That's why so many famous authors have a gigantic pile of rejection letters.<br><br>If you're a fan of Neil Gaiman, Haruki Murakami and Chuck Palahniuk, you'd find yourself at home here.<br><br><em>Current book title in the works: Potato Chips For The Afterlife</em><em><br></em><br><strong>All in all, you'd be helping me sustain my life so I can continuing writing. You're supporting a vision, a story and a movement.<br></strong><br>I do work hard. It just took me a long while to find my focal point.<br><br>I am here to stay. I ain't giving up. <br><br>Thank you for listening! Check out the perks. I hope you'd be enticed!<br><br><strong><u>A little FAQ of common questions:<br></u></strong><br><em><strong>"Alden, why should I help you and pledge to you if you're fully capable of getting a job?"<br></strong></em><br>I am capable of getting a job, but for a long time now, I made the decision to quit my job to do what I love and I want to make a living out of it. Patreon is in a sense, a business for me. You're supporting me and my business, that's all.<br><br>I do get by by taking up freelance work every now and then. <br><br><strong><em>"Are you just a lazy person?"</em><br></strong><br>No, I am not. I write a TON. Being unemployed doesn't mean that you're being idle. I've literally over 500 articles on my own blog and also hundreds more across the web at popular blogs like Elite Daily,Thought Catalog and Reader's Digest. I've also written in to many of my favorite authors(like Andy Weir, author of The Martian, now a motion picture) asking for specific advice.<br><br>I am also featured here: <a href="" target="_blank">Top 100 Personal Development Blogs 2017</a><br><br>For sure, I am here to write forever. I am not going to disappear. Writing is my lifestyle and I do it everyday. If I am not reading, dancing or talking to girls, I am writing, like a minimum of 2,000 words a day.<br><strong><br><em>"You clearly stated that you intentionally stopped using internet marketing/money-making tactics and that ceased your income. Why should I help you when this seems like it's your own fault?"</em></strong><br><br>It may seem like it's my own fault, but as I wrote, it was a hard decision to make. I've seen too much scammy bullshit online and it irks me to know that most people can't see through the veil because the scammers are just so good at what they do.<br><br><strong>This is something I strongly believe in:</strong> I want to write to inspire and help others in an honest and authentic way without any bullshit. I want to show people that this can be done and that artists worldwide can make an honest living without having to shirk their values and principles.<br><br><br><i style="font-weight: bold;">"But don't you think sometimes we've got to make do? Don't you think you're being unreasonable and too hard on yourself, and others for not wanting to adapt? After all, many successful people out there have put aside their personal values just to become successful."<br><br></i>I am all for adapting and evolving. Everyone has their own way of doing things and I respect that. Without coming across as too preachy:<br><br>I don't wish to compromise MOST of my values anymore just to make money or become popular. <strong><u>Everything I do today is linked back to my father's death and my core as an artist.</u><br><br></strong><strong>I didn't start writing, dancing or being an artist just to</strong> <strong>LOOK like I am successful to others</strong>. I do it because I love it and along the way, I'd love to help others. It is also, if you will, a homage to my father and the life I had with him. <br><br>And sure enough, I am looking to make a living out of it in my own terms through a healthy balance here on Patreon.<br><br>Besides, to be honest, when I threw aside my values and applied all the scammy tactics before, it turned me into a very tired, demoralized, confused and angry person. I would often question myself in front of the computer, "Why the hell am I doing this shit? Why am I not writing?" <br><br>I made a lot of money online before, but it didn't make me happy. That's where I can truly say that money is never going to be able to buy you happiness.<br><br>Life is really too short to be unhappy and do shit you don't care for.<br><br><strong><em>"Are you on Patreon just to take the easy way out by asking people to give you money?"<br></em></strong><br>Hell no man! Patreon isn't magic! It's not a "set up an account and watch your money grow" thing. You know what I am doing to keep this page alive?<br><br>I write everyday. I email my subscribers everyday. I write on Quora everyday. I write across other social media channels everyday. I read everyday. I plan all sorts of stuff everyday for both the short and long term.<br><br>I am also asking my friends to support me in a totally non-pressurizing way. That's something I NEVER do. But in the spirit of getting out of my comfort zone, here I am. (I apologize to anyone in advance if I come across as salesy and annoying.)<br><br>So please don't think I am not doing work and hoping people would give me money for that. I am doing a lot of work. Heck, as said, I've been blogging for 6 years! Pledging to me would mean supporting six years of hard work and also forever more since I ain't giving up!<br><br><em><strong>"Is Patreon some weird, scammy thing?"<br></strong></em><br>No, it's not. Rest assured that if you pledge to me, you're only supporting me for the long haul as a writer. <br><br>This is not some pyramid or MLM scheme where I try to lure people in and then promise them money by making them sell to others. I also won't able to charge you with extra hidden costs or whatever. No way! That's the kind of bullshit I absolutely hate! Everything here is clear and in the open.<br><br><strong><em>"What is Patreon then?"</em></strong><br><br>Here's the explanation by the guys at Patreon itself:<br><br>Patreon is the best way for creators to earn ongoing revenue directly from their fans.<br><br><strong>'For creators</strong>, Patreon is a way to get paid for creating the things you’re <em>already </em>creating (webcomics, videos, songs, whatevs). Fans pay a few bucks per month OR <em>per post </em>you release, and then you get paid every month, or every time you release something new. Learn more about becoming a creator on Patreon <a href="">HERE</a>.<br><br><strong>For patrons</strong>, Patreon is a way to join your favorite creator's community and pay them for making the stuff you love. Instead of <em>literally</em> throwing money at your screen (trust us, that doesn’t work), you can now pay a few bucks <em>per month </em>or <em>per post</em> that a creator makes. For example, if you pay $2 per video, and the creator releases 3 videos in February, then your card gets charged a total of $6 that month. This means the creator gets paid regularly (every time she releases something new), and you become a bonafide, real-life patron of the arts. That’s right--Imagine <em>you</em>, in a long frilly white wig, painted on a 10-foot canvas on the wall of a Victorian mansion. And imagine your favorite creators <em>making a living</em> doing what they do best… because of you.'<br><br><strong>Now, if you were to ask me to define it, </strong>I'd say that it's a platform for artists who want to make a living fully doing what they love and what they're good at without having to worry (so much) about the marketing.<br><br><strong><em>"Whoa, not worry about the marketing? Are you lazy? Are you just trying to leech off us?"<br></em></strong><br>No! I ain't lazy. Read the above.<br><br>No, I am not leeching off you. I am presenting to you my life, my story, my work and an opportunity for us to exchange value. You've the choice to support me. It's up to you. I'll be writing and doing the work.<br><br><strong>"I am not sure Alden... I really don't know why I should support you. You've written for 6 years. Like, who are you? Why should I care?"</strong><br><strong></strong><br><strong></strong>I may not be rich or famous yet, but... I am doing something right here.<br><br>You know what? Don't take it from me. Here are some testimonials and emails I get from my readers daily. These are real screenshots so you know I am not making this up:<br><br><img src=""><br><br><img src=""><br><br><img src=""><br><br><img src=""><br><br><img src="" style="width: 258px;"><br><br><img src="" style="width: 264px;"><br><br><img src="" style="width: 276px;"><br><br><img src="" style="width: 332px;"><br><br><img src=""><br>(This email was in response to an email by me announcing that I was cancelling my free newsletter and that it'd only be for patrons. It was just a test, but I decided against it ultimately. I figured it should always be free to help as many people as possible.)<br><br><img src=""><br><img src=""><br><img src=""><br>(These are from Quora.)<br><br><img src=""><br><br>(I got this from Instagram lol. She thinks I look like Brad Pitt! Eyyyooo!)<br><strong><em><br>"I don't know man, paying for something monthly forever sounds so daunting."</em></strong><br><br>Well how much you pledge is entirely up to you. I'd be very grateful if you put up $1 even.<br><br>To sound a little sales-y now, a couple of bucks a month would add up to less than $30 a year.<br><br>If you pledge to me, I am very confident that you will gain a lot of value and I will definitely improve your life. Besides, what are you spending on these days? A movie ticket, coffee from Starbucks or MacDonalds alone are way more expensive and they don't help at all!<br><br><em><strong>"If I don't pledge, is that okay with you?"<br></strong></em><br>It's all good baby ;)<br><br>You can still find me at my blog anytime or sign up for my free book below to get on my newsletter to stay in touch with me.<br><br>Thank you for reading! <br><br>Peace,<br>Alden<br><img src=""><br><a href=""><br></a><strong><br>P.S. </strong><strong>The books reward include:</strong><br>- 100 Things Happy People Don't Give a Fuck About!<br>- This Shit Called Life: Can We Stop Meditating And Go Grab a Beer?<br>- Street Smart Social: Become Popular The Honest Way<br>- Fuck The Universe: Solving Your Shit With Advice That Isn't Stupid<br><br>To get on my newsletter, simply go here to get my FREE book: <a href="" target="_blank">12 Things Happy People Don't Give a Fuck About!</a><br>
Price: $1

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