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Amy Douglas - Storyteller


Amy Douglas is a captivating storyteller and the creative force behind the online spaces of wit, wonder, discussion, and laughter. As the host of 'Taking the Tradition On' podcasts and storytelling talk-show, she brings a unique blend of entertainment and thought-provoking content to her audience. Amy's Patreon page offers exclusive videos of her enchanting stories, early access to her podcasts, updates on her latest projects, riddles, musings, and occasional bad jokes. It's a vibrant community where she warmly welcomes questions about her work and encourages suggestions for podcast topics and interviewees. By supporting Amy on Patreon, you not only contribute to the creation of her engaging podcasts and fascinating conversations with storytellers but also help preserve the timeless art of storytelling. Stories have always been an integral part of humanity, connecting us through shared experiences and emotions. Amy's passion for traditional storytelling shines through in her monthly performance storytelling club, BLAST! Beautiful Lies and Startling Truths, which has seamlessly transitioned to an online platform. Additionally, her apprenticeship with Scottish Traveller storyteller Duncan Williamson has enriched her craft and inspired her to digitize his precious reel-to-reel tapes, sharing this journey with her followers through podcasts, blog posts, and performances. While the pandemic presented challenges in conducting in-person interviews, Amy adapted brilliantly by hosting a storytelling talk-show on Zoom to delve into Duncan's significance with fellow storytellers, archivists, folklorists, and festival organizers. Now, she appeals for your support to continue podcasting, hosting Taking the Tradition On, blogging, and organizing BLAST!. By funding Amy's work, you not only contribute to the preservation of traditional storytelling but also gain early access to captivating content and exclusive videos while experiencing that warm fuzzy feeling of making a positive difference in the world. Join Amy Douglas on Patreon today and become part of a community dedicated to spreading joy through the power of stories.
Price: $3.00

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