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Dan Dangler
Meet Dan Dangler, the most banned streamer who's got looks that kill and a personality that thrills! From LA with love, she's here to turn up the heat and keep things sizzling. Get ready for a wild ride with her uncensored content that's way more than just lewdz. Plus, your support helps her animal sanctuary—how cool is that? 😍
Price: $15$4.570% OFF
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Meet NDMama, your new favorite distraction! Hailing from North Dakota, she’s all about fun and flirtation. With a treasure trove of feet pics and sexy lingerie shots, there’s always something to keep you on your toes. Plus, she loves a good request—just slide into her DMs! Get ready for some giggles and gorgeousness!
Price: $15$14.255% OFF
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Introducing Ndzanga, the creative mind behind RRBA, a captivating comic series that explores a world where everyone possesses superpowers. Ndzanga skillfully deconstructs clichés from popular comics, manga, and fighting games, offering readers a fresh and unique perspective. The story revolves around Elmando Laarz, a young man who happens to be the son of a renowned hero. Despite his immense power, Elmando has no interest in saving the world – he'd rather use his abilities to impress others or seek revenge! Join Elmando and his friends on their thrilling adventures as they unveil the true nature of life with extraordinary powers. As a patron, you'll enjoy numerous benefits such as exclusive early access to RRBA issues, author notes, concept sketches, and drafts. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to request personalized covers for upcoming releases. By supporting Ndzanga's Patreon page, not only will you be helping him fulfill his dreams but also making a difference by contributing to a noble cause. So dive into the exciting world of RRBA and join this incredible journey today!
Price: $3
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Steve Newman
Steve Newman is a highly talented and versatile creator on Patreon, who has dedicated his life to crafting beautiful music and sharing his passion with others. With a focus on acoustic guitar, Steve's captivating performances can be enjoyed both solo and in collaboration with a diverse range of musicians. His trio, Tananas, achieved great success and gained international recognition, performing at prestigious festivals and venues across the globe. Steve's extensive discography showcases his mastery of the guitar and his ability to create captivating compositions that span various genres and influences. In addition to his music, Steve also offers valuable content to aspiring guitarists through workshops, where he shares tricks and techniques to enhance their skills. Furthermore, he provides therapeutic yoga sessions, allowing his audience to find solace and relaxation through the power of movement and mindfulness. Whether you are an avid music lover or someone seeking personal growth, Steve Newman's Patreon page is a treasure trove of inspiration, creativity, and valuable resources that will undoubtedly enrich your life.
Price: $10
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Paul Samuel Dolman
Paul Samuel Dolman, also known as whatmattersmost, is a remarkable creator who is dedicated to spreading wisdom and enlightenment through his various platforms. As the host of The What Matters Most Podcast, Paul engages in captivating interviews with wise and awakened individuals from all over the world. From spiritual teachers and Nobel Peace Prize nominees to Grammy award winners and political figures, Paul's show features a diverse range of guests who share their unique perspectives on what truly matters in life. Through his Patreon page, Paul offers different pledge levels that allow supporters to contribute to the growth of his global platform. For just $5.00 per month, you can show your love for the show and help it thrive. By becoming a Junior Patron with a pledge of $10.00 per month, you will receive a special meditation MP3 guided by Paul himself. A pledge of $20.00 per month as a Patron grants you access to all of Paul's independently published books in EPUB and MOBI formats. For those looking to make an even greater impact, the Associate Producer level offers the opportunity to be credited as an associate producer in every episode of What Matters Most that your support contributes to. And for a select few who are able to pledge $100.00 per month as an Angel Producer, not only do you receive all the benefits of lower pledge levels, but your name, business, website link, or favorite cause will be featured in the show notes of every episode your patronage supports, reaching a worldwide audience. Join Paul Samuel Dolman on his mission to inspire and enlighten others by becoming a part of this global conversation today!
Price: $5
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Dobelyu Wai
Introducing Dobelyu Wai, a dedicated and talented creator who is passionate about fan translation. With a deep love for Japanese Web and Light Novels, Dobelyu spends their free time translating these captivating stories for readers around the world to enjoy. Their website,, serves as a hub for their ongoing and waiting list projects. Currently, one of their ongoing projects is "Soen na Osananajimi to Isekai de wa Kekkon Shite Iru Yumewomita ga, Sorekara Osananajimi no Yousu ga Okashii ndaga? (WN)", promising an immersive experience filled with romance and adventure. Dobelyu's dedication to providing high-quality translations is evident in their waiting list projects, including "Isekai wa Joker ni Hohoenda (LN)" and "Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara (LN) Volume 3". Keep an eye on their work as they continue to expand their repertoire, and be sure to explore the ever-evolving list of novels Dobelyu brings to life through their exceptional translations.
Price: $5
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creating Skanderbeg® Begins a Science Fiction Animated Movie <iframe width="547" height="314" src="" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0"></iframe><p style=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><strong>SKANDERBEG</strong>® is a Science Fiction Animated Movie created by Daniel Kordhoni and Florjan Binaj.</p><p style=""></p><p style="">Hapat që po ndjekim:</p><p style=""></p><ol><li><p style=""><strong>Zhvillimi i historisë dhe skenarit</strong>: Kjo është një nga hapat më të rëndësishëm në krijimin e një filmi të animuar. Historia dhe skenari janë thelbi i filmit dhe duhet të jetë tërheqës për publikun nga ku ne kemi punuar plot 2 vjet ditë e natë në kohën tonë të lirë deri sa përfunduam të gjithë skenarin e filmit. Kjo fazë përfshinë shkrimin e skenarit, zhvillimin e karaktereve, dialogjet dhe veprimet.</p><p style=""></p></li><li><p style=""><strong>Krijimi i storyboard-it</strong>: Në këtë fazë, krijohet një vizualizim i historisë (skenarit) nëpërmjet imazheve të njëpasnjëshme që tregojnë ngjarjet e filmit nga fillimi deri në fund.</p><p style=""></p></li><li><p style=""><strong>Dizajni i personazheve</strong>: Dizajni i personazheve është një proces i ndërlikuar që përfshin krijimin e skicave, modelet 3D dhe teksturat. Personazhet duhet të jenë tërheqëse për të publikun dhe të jenë në përputhje me historinë dhe karakteret e tyre, ku nuk duhe të mungojnë elementët historikë Shqiptar.</p><p style=""></p></li><li><p style=""><strong>Krijimi i skenave</strong>: Kjo është një fazë e rëndësishme në krijimin e një filmi të animuar. Skenat duhet të jenë moderrne por edhe klasike në përputhje me historinë tonë.</p><p style=""></p></li><li><p style=""><strong>Animacioni</strong>: Animacioni është një proces që përfshin krijimin e lëvizjeve dhe veprimeve të personazheve dhe objekteve në skenë. Ky proces mund të jetë i ndërlikuar dhe mund të përfshijë shumë detaje teknike për të arritur një efekt të qartë dhe tërheqës.</p><p style=""></p></li><li><p style=""><strong>Montazhi dhe muzika</strong>: Në këtë fazë, skenat dhe animacionet e filmave të animuar lidhen së bashku në një film të plotë dhe muzika bashkë me efektet speciale shtohen për të krijuar një atmosferë tërheqëse dhe emocionuese.</p><p style=""></p></li><li><p style=""><strong>Dublimi dhe zëri</strong>: Duke parë se filmi është me dialog, duhet të kemi një kast të aktorëve më të famshëm dhe të kyrejmë procesin e dublimit të dialogjëve. Filmi do dublohet të paktën në 10 gjuhë të ndryshme ku studiot e dublimit do jenë të përzgjedhura lokalisht. Shembull: do kontraktojmë studio në US për gjuhen Amerikane, studio në Itali për gjuhën Italiane etj.</p><p style=""></p></li><li><p style=""><strong>Prodhimi dhe promovimi i filmit</strong>: Pas përfundimit të procesit të krijimit të filmit, ai duhet të jetë i gatshëm për tu publikuar në të gjitha kinematë e Botes si premierë.</p><p style=""></p></li></ol><p style="">Që të na ndiqni tek të gjitha këto hapa në mënyrë eksluzive, dhe të bëheni pjesë e jona duke kontribuar edhe ju për krijimin e kësaj vepre madhështore, abonohuni tani tek një nga paketat tona. Mos harro, nëqoftëse bëhemi bashkë, mund të krijojmë gjëra të mëdha dhe ju do jeni pjesë e shkruar e historisë sonë. Të gjithë emrat tuaj, do vendosen në film përgjithmonë.</p><p style=""></p><p style="">Përqafime!</p><p style=""></p>
Price: $5
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Black Cannabis Influence
Black Cannabis Influence (BCI) is an exceptional online community that serves as a hub for black cannabis influencers and advocates, fostering a productive space for networking, knowledge-sharing, and creativity. With a strong belief in the fight for equity within the cannabis industry, BCI aims to cultivate a sustainable and inclusive community for black-canna-fluencers while building healthy relationships with cannabis brands and businesses. In an industry plagued by under-representation of black individuals, BCI plays a vital role in addressing the diversity problem by creating a platform that not only celebrates and honors black ethnicity and culture but also encourages businesses to integrate and invest in the community. As influencers and consumers, BCI emphasizes using our voices and financial power to support brands dedicated to equity. While minority-focused, BCI warmly welcomes individuals from all communities who appreciate the true value diversity brings to our global society. Additionally, they provide valuable information on organizations such as the Minority Cannabis Business Association, The Last Prisoner Project, National Diversity and Inclusion Cannabis Alliance, and Supernova Women who are actively fighting for social equity in the cannabis industry. Join BCI today to be part of this empowering movement towards change.
Price: $1
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