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Top final fantasy xiv online creators

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Andonoz is a talented freelance illustrator from the Netherlands who creates stunning illustrations from the heart. With a passion for art that has spanned over 8 years, Andonoz is dedicated to continuously improving and pursuing their dream of standing alongside the amazing artists they admire. Specializing in illustrations related to Final Fantasy XIV, Andonoz goes above and beyond to capture the essence of each character and bring them to life on paper. Whether it's drawing commissioned characters or expressing themselves through their original character, Alysia, Andonoz pours their heart and soul into every piece they create. In addition to being an incredible artist, Andonoz also has a deep love for MMOs, particularly Final Fantasy XIV Online, which serves as a major inspiration for their artwork. Outside of the digital realm, Andonoz finds companionship with their adorable bunny named Aiko, who brings joy and warmth to their creative space. Despite facing challenges in terms of speed and efficiency, Andonoz remains resilient and determined to overcome these obstacles. Through Patreon, they hope to receive support from their amazing community while sharing their journey and passion with others. By joining Andonoz on this artistic adventure, you not only become a part of their life but also play a vital role in helping them achieve their dreams. So come along and let Andonoz's beautiful illustrations transport you to a world where creativity knows no bounds!
Price: $1

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