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Sky Bri
Meet Sky Bri, the bombshell with a knack for keeping things spicy and fun! With daily posts that are as tantalizing as they come, she's got a little something for everyone. Always ready to chat and fulfill custom requests, Sky is your go-to girl for uncensored excitement and personal interaction. Trust us, you won't want to miss out on the wild ride she's offering!
Price: $20.00$5.0075% OFF
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Introducing Chihiro_Chang, a sensational creator from Taiwan who specializes in Sexy & Cute Cosplay. With a passion for creativity, Chihiro brings each month to life with captivating cosplay and original photobooks. By subscribing to Chihiro's Patreon VIP levels, you'll not only get the exclusive monthly awards but also have the chance to receive extra photo packages as an additional treat! Whether you're a fan of anime, comics, or novels, Chihiro is open to your suggestions and welcomes comments on specific themes you'd like to see. Payment is hassle-free as it's immediately deducted upon subscription, and rest assured, all rewards will be sent via private message on Patreon on the 5th of the following month. In the rare instance that messages are obscured or notifications go missing, Chihiro is committed to resolving any issues promptly. Don't worry if you missed out on past rewards either; by joining the Mix&Past VIP tier, you can catch up on all the amazing content from 2019 to 2021. For more information and to stay connected with Chihiro_Chang, make sure to visit their website at If you have any questions or just want to show your support, feel free to email Chihiro directly at [email protected]. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of enchanting cosplay with Chihiro_Chang!
Price: $1.00
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h3LL creator
Introducing h3LL creator, a talented artist specializing in creating miniatures for 3D printing in the realms of games, films, and cartoons. With a passion for fan art, Alexander brings characters from various universes to life through his intricate designs. What sets h3LL creator apart is not just the quality of his work, but also his dedication to his craft. By subscribing to his Tier Supporter for $10, supporters receive at least 2 full-scale models along with their busts every month, and a minimum of 4 models monthly. Each model is pre-supported and comes with available lychee files. The Starter Pack includes iconic characters such as Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil 4: Remake, Amicia and Hugo from A Plague Tale: Requiem, Dante from DMC, Ciri from The Witcher 3, Morrigan from Dragon Age, Miranda from Mass Effect, and RIN (Internet concept model). Regular updates ensure new characters are added periodically. Additionally, h3LL creator offers discounts on previous character models on CGTrader or Cults3d. By upgrading to the Tier Commercial License for $25, supporters gain the ability to sell printed copies of these impressive models while crediting the artist as their creator. For those curious about past creations, h3LL creator's work can be found on Cults3d and CGTrader platforms. With a strong community presence and opportunities for active patrons to suggest characters and even participate in contests with cash prizes, h3LL creator values every ounce of support received. So whether you're a seasoned 3D printer enthusiast or simply an admirer of exquisite miniatures, h3LL creator's Patreon page is a must-visit destination for fans of all things gaming and pop culture.
Price: $10.00
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ムーチョ Miyauchi - Noriko Gakkyu Teacher
動画・漫画クリエイター、日本語教師 <p style="text-align:center;"><strong>中央アジア・ウズベキスタンの田舎町にある日本語学校「ノリコ学級」の教師</strong></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style=""><img src="" title=""></p><p style=""></p><p style="">さて…漫画はここまでなのですが、これを読んだ人の中にはある疑問を持った方もいるでしょう。</p><p style=""></p><p style="">「先生は短期滞在の旅行者がボランティアでやる学校ってことはわかったけど…</p><p style=""><strong>一年間もいるムーチョはどうしてるの?</strong>」</p><p style=""></p><p style="">はい、<strong>僕もボランティアです。無給です。</strong></p><p style="">ここで日本語教師をいくら頑張っても、現在1円ももらえない状況です。</p><p style=""></p><p style=""></p><h3 style="">ボランティアだけで運営することの限界</h3><p style="">この学校の大きな問題の一つに「<strong>長期滞在する教師を集めにくい</strong>」というものがあります。</p><p style=""></p><p style="">もちろん、きちんと給料を払って日本人の先生を長期で雇うのが理想なのですが… なんせ“学費完全無料”がコンセプトの学校なので、<strong>生徒さん達からお金がもらえない!</strong></p><p style=""></p><h3 style="">長期滞在できる人が集まらない</h3><p style="">となると教師の賃金の出どころは旅行者からの宿泊費しかないのですが、運営経費だけでも結構な支出があるので、とても<strong>教師の役割に見合った給料を払うだけの収入はない</strong>のです。</p><p style=""></p><p style="">だから結果的に<strong>旅行の短期滞在者ばかり</strong>となり、いかに過去の先生方が教育現場で良い活動を行ったとしても、生徒の様子や学習進捗を<strong>次の人に伝えることができない</strong>、という状態が続いています。</p><p style=""></p><p style=""></p><h3 style="">新型コロナの影響で存続の危機</h3><p style="">そしてさらに状況を悪化させているのが新型コロナの爪痕。</p><p style="">ここは先生が誰もいない時は「<strong>生徒が生徒に教える</strong>」というスタイルなのですが、新型コロナによって日本人旅行者がいなくなり、それに伴って生徒もいなくなり、一時かなり生徒が減ってしまいました。その結果、上級クラスの子達が育っておらず、<strong>現在80名ほどいる生徒のほとんどが初心者で、教師役ができる生徒がいない、</strong>という状況なのです。</p><p style=""></p><p style="">校長のガニシェル先生は他の事業で忙しく学校に来れないことがほとんどなので、”大人不在”という時期が長らく続いていました。教える人も、学校を管理する人もいない状況で、残念なことに2022年後半には、学校は相当荒れ果ててしまいました。</p><p style=""></p><p style="">それをなんとか立て直し、かつての賑やかだった頃のノリコ学級に戻したい、という思いで僕は校長ガニシェル先生と協力しながら日々生徒たち、そして学校運営に向き合っています。</p><p style=""></p><p style=""></p><h3 style="">ムーチョを応援する理由</h3><p style="">2023年、長期滞在する日本人先生がいない中、不思議な縁で僕はここに導かれました。</p><p style=""></p><p style="">奇しくも僕はフリーランスのクリエイターで、場所にとらわれず、1日のうち決まった時間を拘束されずに働くことができるタイプの人間です。</p><p style=""></p><p style="">こういう職業なら、直接日本語教師としての給料をもらえなくても、二足のわらじのクリエイター業で稼ぐことができるので、生活を維持できます。</p><p style=""></p><p style=""><strong>日本語教師の資格を持ち、デジタルクリエイターとして活動できる</strong>僕は、まさにここノリコ学級はうってつけなポジションだと自負しております。</p><p style=""></p><p style="">そこで、これを読んでる皆さんにお願いしたいことがあります。</p><p style=""></p><p style=""><strong>この一年間、僕を応援してください。</strong></p><p style=""></p><p style="">僕は今後ノリコ学級でウズベキスタンの子供たちに日本語を教えるため、毎日がんばっていきます。</p><p style="">しかしそれでは僕は生活できません。</p><p style=""></p><p style="">日本語教師を安定して続けるために、僕は漫画・動画クリエイターとして活動しなければなりません。今回、僕のこの生活そのものをネタにして発信することで、現地の様子が知りたい応援者の方々と、現地で働くクリエイターとWin-Winな関係が築けると考えます。</p><p style=""></p><p style=""><strong>教師の給料を、生徒からの学費ではなく、ノリコ学級の存続を願う日本人の方達から集めるモデル</strong>を提案します。ノリコ学級を遠くからでも応援したい方がパトロンになることで、<strong>僕が皆様に代わり、</strong>こちらで教育活動を続けることができます。</p><p style=""></p><p style="">また経営の苦しいノリコ学級の一助とするため、こちらの<strong>収益の一部は、ノリコ学級の運営に寄付</strong>させていただきます。</p><p style=""></p><p style=""></p><h3 style="">特典:パトロン限定の漫画・動画</h3><p style="">購読していただいた方には、ささやかなお礼として<strong>購読者限定の漫画</strong>を毎週お届けします。</p><p style=""></p><p style="">ちなみに様々な理由で購読できない方もご安心ください、のりこ学級やウズベキスタンと日本の友好に繋がるようなメッセージ、<strong>公益性の高い内容はすべて無料公開</strong>します(これは僕がリスペクトしてるけんすうさんの考え方を参考にさせていただいております)。</p><p style=""></p><p style="">限定漫画は僕のプライベートな生活の話や、生徒の個人情報に深く踏み込んだような、ちょっと不特定多数に公開するのが難しい内容を描いていきます。</p><p style=""></p><p style="">また、ランクの高いパトロン様におかれましては、</p><ul><li><p style="">1対1のZoomミーティングでの現状報告</p></li><li><p style="">校内ホールの壁にお名前を掲示</p></li></ul><p style="">などの謝礼の形もご用意しております。</p><p style=""></p><p style="">ノリコ学級の安定したサポート体制構築のため、何卒よろしくお願いします。</p>
Price: $7.00
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RPGScenery is a creator on Patreon who specializes in creating stunning animated battlemaps for tabletop RPG games like Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder. With their high-quality maps and scenes, RPGScenery offers an immersive experience for players. One of the standout features of RPGScenery is the ability to walk around their live scenes, change the weather in real-time, and seamlessly switch to battlemap mode with just one click. This level of customization allows players to easily tailor the maps to their specific needs. Additionally, RPGScenery provides access to over 100 GB of content since April 2020, with two new scenes being added each month. These scenes include a variety of battlemaps and scenery options, ensuring that players have plenty of choices to enhance their gaming sessions. The loyalty program offered by RPGScenery rewards dedicated supporters with unique and exclusive scenes after 3, 6, 9, and 12 consecutive months of support. This demonstrates RPGScenery's commitment to providing value to their patrons. If you're looking for top-notch animated battlemaps and a wide range of customizable options, RPGScenery is the creator for you. Join them today and elevate your tabletop RPG experience to new heights!
Price: $1.00
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EpsilonShadow, also known as Vadim, is a talented self-taught 2D animator who has dedicated over 2 years to the creation of a captivating short cartoon. This animated masterpiece revolves around the story of Lydia Oths, a resilient young girl grappling with survival in a post-apocalyptic world. The narrative unfolds after an extraterrestrial substance discovered in the mountains proves to be highly infectious, twisting and mutating the flesh of those exposed. Despite being infected herself, Lydia's remarkable journey showcases her unwavering spirit as she learns to adapt and navigate this transformed reality. Vadim's attention to detail is evident through his meticulously crafted characters, including otherworldly monsters that add depth and intrigue to the storyline. With an unwavering passion for his craft, EpsilonShadow aims to bring Lydia's tale to life through a short cartoon. While balancing his job that covers his essential needs, Vadim relies on Patreon support to fund this passion project. By contributing to EpsilonShadow's Patreon page, you not only enable the realization of this remarkable animation but also support an incredibly talented artist pursuing his dream.
Price: $1.00
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Mervin Malonzo
Mervin Malonzo is an incredibly talented illustrator, designer, comic creator, and animator from the Philippines. He has gained recognition for his outstanding work on TABI PO, a captivating reinterpretation of the aswang mythology. What began as a web comic in 2010 has since been published as a physical book in 2014, winning a National Book Award, and even adapted into a cable mini-series in 2017. Mervin has always been passionate about sharing his art and stories with the world, which is why he continues to make his web comic accessible for free today. However, creating comics takes an immense amount of time and effort, and Mervin relies on freelance work and online book sales to support himself. With your help, he can not only continue creating captivating comics but also expand his reach by creating international versions of his books and bringing his stories to life through animation. By becoming a patron, you'll gain exclusive access to high-resolution files, timelapse painting videos, comics, previews, behind-the-scenes content, animations, and much more. The rewards you receive will vary depending on the tier you pledge. Additionally, Mervin plans to translate his works from Filipino to English and provide subtitles for the animations in order to cater to an international audience. Until then, he hopes that his remarkable art will suffice. Join Mervin Malonzo's Patreon community today to support this incredible creator and be part of his journey towards achieving even greater heights in the world of art, comics, and animation.
Price: $2.00
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