Going West True Crime
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Welcome to the world of Going West True Crime! If you're a true crime fan, you're in for a treat. Heath and Daphne, the masterminds behind this incredible podcast, are dedicated to bringing you the most gripping and captivating true crime stories. By joining the Going West Gang on Patreon for just $5 a month, you'll gain access to exclusive, full-length, ad-free podcast episodes that delve deep into a new case each month. And if that's not enough, for $10 a month, you'll receive not one, but two bonus episodes! The passion and hard work that Heath and Daphne put into their podcast is evident in every episode. They spend countless hours researching, writing notes, recording, editing, and engaging with their audience on social media. Your generous monthly subscription not only helps support their efforts but also allows them to invest in better equipment and create awesome merchandise. With Going West True Crime, you're not just subscribing to a podcast; you're becoming part of a community. So don't be a stranger! Join the Going West Gang today and immerse yourself in the thrilling world of true crime storytelling like never before.
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