Dracani and Koiyaroid
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Dracani and Koiyaroid, known by their username Forgottenseconds, are two incredibly talented young artists who have embarked on an ambitious manga project called "Forgotten Seconds." This captivating Kemono manga follows the heartwarming story of two husky brothers, Kai and Teru, who reunite after years apart. Through their journey, they discover the importance of embracing their differences and overcoming personal conflicts. This manga delves deep into themes of personal growth, introspection, and the exploration of one's identity, particularly within the LGTB community. What sets Dracani and Koiyaroid apart is their dedication to inclusivity, as they will be releasing the manga in three different languages: Spanish, English, and Japanese. But that's not all! Alongside the manga, these talented creators are also producing original music and animations. With your support on Patreon, you can join them on this exciting adventure and gain exclusive access to weekly Forgotten Seconds updates. These posts may include behind-the-scenes sketches, future ideas, merchandise work-in-progress shots, and even flirty illustrations of their captivating characters. In addition to these regular updates, there may be bonus posts showcasing Dracani's fursuit process. And looking towards the future, patrons will have the privilege of being the first to read new chapters before they are published. So come on board and be a part of making this remarkable kemono manga project (and more) a reality! Managed by Drakai/Dracani themselves, this Patreon is your gateway to supporting their creativity and immersing yourself in an enchanting world filled with captivating characters and compelling storytelling.
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