heart, astronomy, moon, nature, night, outdoors, symbol

Ancient Enemies












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Price: FREE


Ancient Enemies is a creator on Patreon who is dedicated to sharing their queer intertribal love story between a Hopi and a Navajo. Through various forms of multimedia, Ancient Enemies invites subscribers to witness the journey of two disabled magical babes as they navigate oceans of time and dive into intergenerational memories in search of their most authentic selves. Dacia and Shadow, the creators behind Ancient Enemies, approach their storytelling with tenderness and critical thought, living through their own déjà vu and nightmare-turned-dream come true. Their work embraces and uplifts the diverse community they represent, including two-spirit individuals, queer, trans, gender non-conforming, gender variant, non-binary, chronically ill, sick & disabled, working class, broke but rich with magic & ingenuity, Black, indigenous, people of color dreamers, survivors, community healers & organizers, sex workers, birth workers, single parents, caretakers, artists, writers, and cultural workers. Ancient Enemies believes in expanding channels of accessibility for their creative expressions and actively seeks feedback to improve their process. While tips are never expected, they are always appreciated as they help cover production costs for podcasts and zines. Reaching goals on Patreon not only supports the multimedia project but also contributes to half or full coverage of Dacia and Shadow's monthly living expenses. With the support of their patrons, Ancient Enemies aims to bring more creative ideas to fruition and invest in their families, communities, and collective futures. Overall, Ancient Enemies offers a unique blend of storytelling that intertwines love, identity exploration, social justice themes, and a commitment to accessibility.


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astronomy, outer space, planet, earth, globe, hardhat, helmet

Local Earth


Local Earth, also known as localearth, is a creator on Patreon who is dedicated to creating a healthy, thriving, and harmonious world. This incredible team of global visionaries is committed to planetary service and Earth stewardship, and they invite you to join them on their journey. Local Earth has a variety of projects and initiatives aimed at inspiring, educating, and demonstrating how the human species can live in balance with the planet. Their Earth 2.0 Research Project is a collaborative, open-source research project that seeks innovative and regenerative solutions to social and environmental challenges. They are re-evaluating societal systems with the intention of upgrading or redesigning them to support the optimal health and evolution of the planet. Local Earth offers numerous ways for you to participate, contribute to, and co-create a healthier world through programs like the United Earth Nation, ReGenerative Community Development Plan, Solar Energy Alliance, Solar Ambassador Program, Local Earth Discussion Series, and Ecological Lifestyle Immersion. Whether you choose to contribute $1 or $333 per month (with many options in between), every bit helps support the forward momentum of these initiatives. As a Patreon member, you will have access to monthly interactive webinars and team meetings where you can engage with like-minded individuals who share your passion for creating positive change. Join Local Earth on their mission to build a better world where all beings can thrive!
Price: $1.00

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